BOB vinner "Good Design Awards" i kategorin "Furniture"

Vi är stolta att meddela att BOB vinner Good Design Award 2018! Good Design Award grundades 1950 i Chicago och är en av världens äldsta, mest prestigefyllda och mest erkända tävlingar för kvalitetsdesign.

"For eight decades since its inception, The Chicago Athenaeum continues the organisation of the program to create an awareness about contemporary design and to honor both products and industry leaders in design and manufacturing that have chartered new directions for innovation and pushed the envelope for competitive products in the world marketplace. Good Design® was founded by Edgar Kaufmann, Jr., Eero Saarinen, and Charles and Ray Eames. Mort Goldsholl also created the iconic Good Design logo in 1950."

"This year, the Museum received a record number of submissions from the world’s leading manufacturers and industrial and graphic design firms representing the most important and critical mass of influential corporations in the design industry from over 47 countries."